Journal articles

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  • Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2020). Between-person and within-person effects of telework: A quasi-field experiment. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (IF = 2.866; Q1).
  • Delanoeije, J., Gerencsér, L., & Miklósi, Á. (2020). Do dogs mind the dots? Investigating domestic dogs’ (Canis familiaris) preferential looking at human-shaped point-light figures. Ethology (IF = 1.700; Q2), 126(6), 637–650.
  • Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2019). The use of work-home practices and work-home conflict: Examining the role of volition and perceived pressure in a multi-method study. Frontiers in Psychology (IF = 2.067; Q2), 10, article 2362.
  • Delanoeije, J., Verbruggen, M., & Germeys, L., (2019). Boundary role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain the effects of home-based telework on work-to-home conflict and home-to-work conflict. Human Relations (IF = 3.600; Q1), 72(12), 1843–1868.
  • Gadeyne, N., Verbruggen, M., Delanoeije, J., & De Cooman, R. (2018). All wired, all tired? Workrelated ICT-use outside work hours and work-to-home conflict: The role of integration preference and culture. Journal of Vocational Behaviour (IF = 4.059; Q1), 107, 86–99.
  • Gerencsér, L., Kosztolányi, A., Delanoeije, J., & Miklósi, Á. (2016). The effect of reward-handler dissociation on dogs’ obedience performance in different conditions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science (IF = 2.187; Q1), 174, 103–110.