Last updated: December 26, 2024
[ Lirias KU Leuven ] [ OrcidID ] [ ResearchGate ] [ GoogleScholar ]
- Journal articles (peer reviewed) (13)
- Journal articles (not peer reviewed) (6)
- Conference proceedings (peer reviewed) (6)
- Invited lectures (18)
- Abstracts / presentations / posters (34)
- Science outreach (25)
- PhD theses (1)
- Reports (2)
- Internet publications (7)
- Other / press mentions (81)
- Delanoeije, J., Moons, C. P. H., Peeters, E. H. K. A., & Pendry, P. (2024). Behavioural profile differences between cats in animal-assisted services (AAS) and non-AAS cats using the Fe-BARQ in Flanders. Animals, 15(1), 33. (IF = 2.7 / 5-Year IF = 3; 16/167 in Veterinary Sciences, Q1)
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2024). Biophilia in the home-workplace: Integrating dog caregiving and outdoor access to explain teleworkers’ daily physical activity, loneliness and job performance. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 29(3), 131–154. (IF = 7.71 / 5-Year IF = 11.7; 8/75 in Applied Psychology, Q1)
- Delanoeije, J., & Deschodt, M. (2024). Research gaps concerning Human-Animal Interactions (HAI) and Animal Assisted Services (AAS) in nursing homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 25(6), 104916. (IF = 7.802; Q1: 1/112 in Nursing)
- Gadeyne, N., Darouei, M., Verbruggen, M., Delanoeije, J., & Op De Beeck, S. (2023). Do behavioral intentions matter? A diary study on work-related ICT-use after work hours. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(5), 746–759. (IF = 4.867; Q1: 23/200 in Organizational Behavior and Resource Management)
- Delanoeije, J.*, Darouei, M.*, & Verbruggen, M.* (2023) [*joint first author]. When daily home-to-work transitions are not all bad: A multi-study design on the role of appraisals. Work & Stress, 38(1). (IF = 8.209; Q1: 17/227 in Applied Psychology)
- Delanoeije, J., & Pendry, P. (2022). University cats? Predictors of staff and student responsiveness towards on-campus cat visitations. Anthrozoös, 36(2), 257–277. (IF = 2.723; Q1: 49/411 in Anthropology)
- Delanoeije, J., & Bachus, K. (2022). Measuring circular reuse magnitude and replacement rate: A new method. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 184, 106414. (IF = 13.716; Q1: 2/696 in Economics, Econometrics and Finance)
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2020). Between-person and within-person effects of telework: A quasi-field experiment. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(6), 795–808. (IF = 4.867; Q1: 23/200 in Organizational Behavior and Resource Management)
- Delanoeije, J., Gerencsér, L., & Miklósi, Á. (2020). Do dogs mind the dots? Investigating domestic dogs’ (Canis familiaris) preferential looking at human-shaped point-light figures. Ethology, 126(6), 637–650. (IF = 1.897; Q2: 121/416 in Animal Science and Zoology)
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2019). The use of work-home practices and work-home conflict: Examining the role of volition and perceived pressure in a multi-method study. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, article 2362. (IF = 4.232; Q2: 54/203 in Psychology)
- Delanoeije, J., Verbruggen, M., & Germeys, L., (2019). Boundary role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain the effects of home-based telework on work-to-home conflict and home-to-work conflict. Human Relations, 72(12), 1843–1868. (IF = 5.658; Q1: 3/264 in Social Sciences)
- Gadeyne, N., Verbruggen, M., Delanoeije, J., & De Cooman, R. (2018). All wired, all tired? Work-related ICT-use outside work hours and work-to-home conflict: The role of integration preference and culture. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 107, 86–99. (IF = 12.082; Q1: 9/213 in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management)
- Gerencsér, L., Kosztolányi, A., Delanoeije, J., & Miklósi, Á. (2016). The effect of reward-handler dissociation on dogs’ obedience performance in different conditions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 174, 103–110. (IF = 2.569; Q1: 45/416 in Animal Science and Zoology)
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- Delanoeije, J. (2023). Een hond in het (thuis)kantoor: werkt dat? [A dog in the (home) office: Does it work?]. Over.Werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt Werk, 32(2), 122-133. Steunpunt Werk: Uitgeverij Acco. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2022). “Mijn werk voelt als thuis”: Dieren in de (thuis)werkomgeving [“My work feels like home”: Animals in the (home-)workplace]. PreventFocus, 8, 11–16. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2020). De impact van thuiswerk op werknemerswelzijn en -prestatie [The impact of home-based telework on employee well-being and performance]. Over.Werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt Werk, 30(2), 30-38. Steunpunt Werk: Uitgeverij Acco. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2020). Furry families in times of COVID-19: Cats and dogs at the home-office. Work-Life Balance Bulletin: A DOP Publication, 4(1), 16–20. The British Psychological Society.
- Delanoeije, J. (2020). Gepubliceerd internationaal: Grensroltransities: Een dag-tot-dag benadering om de effecten van thuiswerk op werk-naar-thuis conflict en thuis-naar-werk conflict te verklaren [Published internationally: Boundary-tole transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain the effects of home-based telework on work-to-home conflict and home-to-work conflict]. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 36(1), 104.
- Delanoeije, J. (2018). Dogs in the 2020 (home-)workplace. The Work-Life Balance Bulletin: A DOP Publication, 2(2), 23–26. The British Psychological Society.
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- Delanoeije, J., & Scheys, M. (2024, October 3–4). Like caregiver, like dog? Daily caregiver stress negatively predicts daily dog physical activity – but not heart rate variability – measured by a Garmin smartwatch and PetPace smartcollar. Proceedings of the 6th European Veterinary College of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare (EVCBMAW), 88. Paris, France.
- Delanoeije, J., Engels, M., & Janssens, M. (2024, October 3–4). Understanding human-animal interaction dynamics and patterns during work and non-work time. Proceedings of the 6th European Veterinary College of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare (EVCBMAW), 20. Paris, France.
- Delanoeije, J.*, Darouei, M.*, & Verbruggen, M.* (2024, August 11–13) [*joint first author]. Switching back and forth: Daily technology-facilitated work-home transitions and work-home conflicts. AoM Proceedings: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
- Delanoeije, J., Bastiaensen, C. & Trentin, S. (2023, October 19–20). Teleworking with dogs: Dog-caregiver interaction and relationship strength matters for “one welfare”. Dog Behavior: Proceedings of the 5th European Veterinary College of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare (EVCBMAW), 9(1), Pisa, Italy, 30.
- Delanoeije, J.*, Darouei, M.*, & Verbruggen, M.* (2022, August 5–9) [*joint first author]. When daily home-to-work transitions are not all bad: A multi-study design on the role of appraisals. AoM Proceedings: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
- Delanoeije, J., Verbruggen, M., & Poelmans, S. (2016, August 5–9). It is not what they do, it is why they do it: Employee motivations in the study of work-life practices. AoM Proceedings: Vol. 1. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, California, U.S.A., 11404.
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- Delanoeije, J. (2024, February 21). Verbinding als voorwaarde voor verbinding: De band tussen hond en eigenaar als voorwaarde voor connectie met anderen [Connection as a prerequisite for connection: The dog-caregiver bond as a prerequisite for connection with others] [Invited lecture]. Animal Assisted Projects. Zwijndrecht, Belgium.. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, February 21). Maatregelen tegen broodfok: hoorzitting [Measures against “puppy mills”: Hearing] [Invited lecture]. Commissie voor Brussel en de Vlaamse Rand en Dierenwelzijn, Brussels, Belgium. (policy oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, January 31). Broodfok en efficiëntie van het gevoerde beleid [“Puppy mills” and efficiency of the implemented policy] [Invited lecture]. Commissie voor Brussel en de Vlaamse Rand en Dierenwelzijn, Brussels, Belgium. (policy oriented)
- Hendrickx, T. & Delanoeije, J. (2023, October 18). Overpopulatie dierenasielen & invoer buitenlandse asielhonden [Overpopulation animal shelters & import of foreign shelter dogs] [Invited lecture]. Commissie voor Brussel en de Vlaamse Rand en Dierenwelzijn, Brussels, Belgium. (policy oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2023, September 26). “Broodfok” & volle dierenasielen [“Puppy mills” & full animal shelters] [Invited lecture]. Roundtable Animal Welfare in the Flemish parliament by Flemish political party Groen. Brussels, Belgium. (policy oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2023, April 27). Een hond in een werksetting: Wat doé je daar dan mee? [A dog in a work-related setting: So what do you do with it?] [Invited lecture]. Animal Assisted Projects. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2021, August 26). Telewerk in het nieuwe werken: Vertrek vanuit vertrouwen [Telework in practice: Start from trust] [Invited lecture]. National Telework Conference by the Belgian Union of Flemish Enterprises (VBO FEB). Brussels, Belgium. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2021, April 1). De mens-dier relatie in mens-dier interacties [The human-animal relationship in human-animal interactions] [Invited lecture]. Animal Assisted Projects. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2021, March 24). Work-home boundary role transitions: Telework before, during and after COVID-19 [Invited lecture]. Kanter Lecture Series, Center for Families, Purdue University.
- Delanoeije, J., Verbruggen, M., & Verelst, L. (2021, March 22). Naar een duurzaam thuiswerkbeleid [Towards sustainable telework policies] [Invited lecture]. Ekonomika Alumni Alumni event, Work and Organisation Studies, KU Leuven. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2021, February 13). Impact van flexibele werk-privé praktijken: Thuiswerk voor, tijdens en na COVID-19 [Impact of flexible work-home practices: Home-based telework before, during and after COVID-19] [Invited lecture]. Remote Working Theme Series by the Belgian Association of Organisational, Consumer and Occupational Psychology (VOCAP). (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2020, December 8). “There’s an animal on my desk”: Companion animals in employees’ (tele-)work lives [Invited lecture]. Research-Practitioners Colloquium of the Department of Social Psychology, Goethe University.
- Delanoeije, J. (2020, November 23). Telewerk en werknemerswelzijn en -prestatie: Voor, tijdens en na COVID-19 [Home-based telework and employee well-being and performance: Before, during and after COVID-19] [Invited lecture]. Belgian Federal Government Organization (FOD) of Employment, Labor and Social Dialogue Practitioner’s conference “The new normal of the one and a half meter organization”, Brussels, Belgium. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2020, May 20). Voor- en nadelen van thuiswerk: Kansen, valkuilen en misverstanden [Benefit and drawbacks of telework: Opportunities, pitfalls and misconceptions] [Invited lecture]. HR Square webinar cycle home-based telework: Which lessons to draw from our experience during the corona crisis?. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2018, November 17). Honden als sociale lijm voor mensen, en mensen voor honden? [Dogs as social lubricant for people, and people for dogs?] [Invited lecture]. Kynotrain Conference: Fear and Cognition – Parallel applications from human to canine psychology, Lunteren, The Netherlands. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2017, April 21). De werk-privé balans en nieuwe werkvormen: Effectiviteitsverschillen over werknemers [Work-home balance and new ways of working: Differences in effectiveness over employees] [Invited lecture]. Happy @ Work TMAB Business Events, Grimbergen, Belgium. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J. (2014, March 8). Visuele perceptie: licht in de duisternis door nieuwe methodes? [Visual perception: Light in the dark through new methods?] [Invited lecture]. Kynotrain Conference: Canine Cognition. Lunteren, The Netherlands.
- Delanoeije, J. (2013, October 3). Het is maar een hond. Of niet? Over de betrekking van huisdieren in systeemtherapie [It’s just a dog. Or not? On the inclusion of companion animals in systems therapy] [Invited lecture]. Terugkomdag AAI-Beest, Antwerpen, Belgium. (professionally oriented)
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- Delanoeije, J., Barnfield, A., De Santis, M., McBride, A., Rusu, A., & van Dierendonck, M. (2024, September 7–8). Minimum standards for research in the field of Animal Assisted Services (AAS), Human Animal Interaction (HAI) and/or the Human Animal Bond (HAB) [Conference presentation abstract]. IAHAIO conference: The power of human-animal interactions in times of crisis. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- Delanoeije, J., Engels, M. & Janssens, M. (2024, May 15). Human-animal patterns: Dynamics of animal-work constellations across different contexts using sequence analysis. ESM Expert Network Meeting, online.
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2024, November 6–8). More than human: Findings from two intervention studies including dogs in the corporate workplace [Conference presentation abstract]. 13th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network: “Future-proof HRM? Digitization, humanization and change in work and organisations”, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Delanoeije, J.*, Darouei, M.*, & Verbruggen, M.* (2024, June 5–7) [*joint first author]. Switching back and forth: The relationship between daily technology-facilitated work-home boundary transitions and daily work-home conflict [Conference presentation abstract]. 16th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP) Conference, Granada, Spain.
- Delanoeije, J., Engels, M., & Janssens, M. (2024, June 27–30). Understanding human animal interaction dynamics and patterns during work and non-work time [Conference presentation abstract]. 33th International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference, Hartpury, U.K.
- Delanoeije, J., & Janssens, M. (2023, November 15). Patterns in animal-work constellations: Experience sampling methodology (ESM) & sequence analysis. ESM Expert Network Meeting, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
- Delanoeije, J., Scheys, M.. & Trentin, S. (2023, July 11–14). Like caregiver, like dog? Caregiver stress predicts dogs’ physical activity – but not dogs’ heart rate variability – as captured by a Garmin smartwatch and PetPace smartcollar [Conference presentation abstract]. 8th Canine Science Forum, Budapest, Hungary.
- Delanoeije, J., Willemen, E. & Verbruggen, M. (2023, June 15–18). Office dogs: A within-company quasi-field experiment using daily experience sampling [Conference presentation abstract]. 32th International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Bastiaensen, C., Willemen, E., Verbruggen, M. & Delanoeije, J. (2023, June 24–27). Teleworking in the presence of your dog: How your dog impacts your teleworking experience [Conference presentation abstract]. 20th EAWOP congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland.
- Kelliher, C., Darouei, M., Richardson, J., Verbruggen, M., Delanoeije, J., Khapova, S., Fitzegerald, S., & Anderson, D. (2022, August 5–9). Framing the discourse of remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic [Conference caucus]. AoM Proceedings: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
- Delanoeije, J., Willemen, E. & Verbruggen, M. (2022, July 7–9). Pet effect or garden effect? Effects of dog ownership and garden access on teleworkers’ daily physical activity and loneliness in two seasons [Conference presentation abstract]. 30th International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference, Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.
- Willemen, E., Verbruggen, M., & Delanoeije, J. (2022, July 7–9). Companion dogs as colleagues? Effects of dog external appearance, dog behavioral characteristics and policy characteristics on employee preferences for office dogs [Conference presentation abstract]. 30th International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference, Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.
- Delanoeije, J., Willemen, E., Moons, C. P. H., & Verbruggen, M. (2022, July 6–8). Who let the dog out? Day-level physical activity, loneliness, work focus and positive affect in dog owners and non-dog owners during pandemic telework in two seasons [Conference presentation abstract]. 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP) Conference, Bordeaux, France.
- Delanoeije, J., & Willemen, E. (2022, May 17). Thuiswerk tijdens de pandemie: effecten bij hondeneigenaars [Telework during the pandemic: Effects in dog owners]. DOGS@WORK study day, Leuven, Belgium. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J., Moons, C, P. H. & Verbruggen, M. (2022, January 11–14). Who let the dog out? Day-level physical activity, loneliness and work focus in dog owners and non-dog owners during pandemic telework [Conference presentation abstract]. 20th EAWOP congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Delanoeije, J.*, Darouei, M.*, & Verbruggen, M.* (2022, January 11–14). Daily home-to-work transitions, psychological strain and work engagement: An appraisal perspective [Conference presentation abstract]. 20th EAWOP congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Glasgow, Scotland. [*joint first author].
- Delanoeije, J., Peeters, E. H. K. A., Moons, C, P. H. & Pendry, P. (2021, October 7–9). Staff and student attitudes about employee-owned visiting cats and dogs on campus [Conference presentation abstract]. 3th Annual Meeting of the European Veterinary Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare EVCBMAW.
- Delanoeije, J., Pendry, P., Peeters, E. H. K. A., & Moons, C, P. H. (2021, October 7–9). Behavioural profile differences between cats engaged in Animal Assisted Interventions (AAIs) and non-AAI cats using a Flemish translation of the Feline Behavioral Assessment & Research Questionnaire (Fe-BARQ) [Conference presentation abstract]. 3th Annual Meeting of the European Veterinary Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare EVCBMAW.
- Delanoeije, J., Pendry, P., Moons, C. P. H., & Peeters, E. H. K. A. (2021, August 2–6). College campus cat: Exploring PetPace collar data and survey data to measure stress and physical activity in a domestic cat [Conference presentation abstract]. 54th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), 2-6 August.
- Delanoeije, J., Moons, C, P. H., & Verbruggen, M. (2021, July 6–9). There’s no place like home: Dogs’ behaviour and activity and owners’ wellbeing and activities on teleworking versus non-teleworking days during COVID [Conference presentation abstract]. Canine Science Forum.
- Delanoeije, J., Pendry, P., Moons, C. P. H. & Peeters, E. H. K. A. (2021, June 22–24). College campus cat: Exploring PetPace collar data and survey data to measure physiological responses and physical activity during campus visits [Conference presentation abstract]. 30th International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference.
- Milatz, A., Pendry, P., Delanoeije, J., & Bynum, R. (2021, June 22–24). Identifying college students’ interests and preferences for feline and canine physical and behavioral traits during Animal Assisted Interventions (AAIs) using a mixed-methods approach [Conference presentation abstract]. 30th International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference.
- Delanoeije, J., & Bachus, K. (2020, October 8). Measuring reuse in Flanders: The first reuse mapping study [Conference presentation abstract]. Flemish Circular Economy Policy Research Centre conference: “Let’s talk about reuse”. (professionally oriented)
- Delanoeije, J., Moons, C., & Peeters, E. (2020, September 3–5). Should we bring an employee-owned cat to a university campus? [Conference presentation abstract]. 29th International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference.
- Delanoeije, J. & Verbruggen, M. (2018, September 5–7). “My work feels like home”: Dogs in the 2020 (home-)workplace [Conference presentation abstract]. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP). Lisbon, Portugal.
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2018, September 5–7). Effects of home-based telework on employee well-being and performance: A pilot daily diary intervention study [Conference presentation abstract]. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP). Lisbon, Portugal.
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2018, April 12–13). Effects of home-based telework on employee well-being and performance: An intervention study [Conference presentation abstract]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Small Group Meeting (SGM): “Working anywhere, anytime: Work flexibility from a management and an occupational health perspective”. Leuven, Belgium.
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2017, November 9–10). Micro-role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain inconsistent outcomes of home-based telework [Conference presentation abstract]. Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network. Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2017, July 3–4). Micro-role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain inconsistent outcomes of home-based telework [Conference presentation abstract]. International Conference of Work and Family: “The (new) ideal worker”. Barcelona, Spain.
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2017, May 16–19). Micro-role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain inconsistent outcomes of home-based telework [Conference presentation abstract]. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Dublin, Ireland.
- Meeussen, L., Delanoeije, J., Peters, P., & Kossek, E. E. (2017, May 16–19) (Chairs). Fitting in to find balance: A person-environment fit approach to work-life balance [Symposium]. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Dublin, Ireland.
- Gadeyne, N., Verbruggen, M., Delanoeije, J., & De Cooman, R. (2017, May 16–19). All wired, all tired? Work-related ICT-use outside work hours and work-to-home conflict: The role of integration preference and culture [Conference presentation abstract]. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Dublin, Ireland.
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2016, June 23–25). It is not what they do, it is why they do it: Employee motivations in the study of work-life practices [Conference presentation abstract]. Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) Conference. Washington D. C., U.S.A.,
- Verbruggen, M., & Delanoeije, J. (2016, June 23–25). Upward career goals, work-life conflict and well-being: Examining longitudinal cross-over effects in dual-earner couples [Conference presentation abstract]. Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) Conference. Washington D. C., U.S.A.,
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- Delanoeije, J. (2024, December 26). Eerste hulp bij feestdagen: Werken tijdens de feestdagen [First aid for holidays: Working during the holidays]. Radio 1.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, September 17). Cycloon Boris: oog in oog met de klimaatverandering? En weg met thuiswerk? [Cyclone Boris: face to face with climate change? And away with telework?]. VRT NWS Podcast ‘Het kwartier’.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, September 17). Thuiswerken: duiding [Telecommuting]. VRT Journaal 19u.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, June 21). Kantoorhonden zorgen ook thuis voor betere werkomgeving [Office dogs also improve work environment at home]. KU Leuven Nieuws.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, June 12). Verbinding, luisteren, en digitalisering: een gesprek met Joni Delanoeije [Connection, listening, and digitalization: A conversation with Joni Delanoeije]. Podcast Evy Gruyaert: We Are All Ears project.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, February 20). Drie cruciale randvoorwaarden voor een kantoorhond [Three crucial prerequisites for an office dog] (Interview). HRmagazine.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, February 19). Kantoorhond heeft effect op welzijn en productiviteit [Office dog has an effect on well-being and performance] (Interview). HRmagazine.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, January 12). Hoe goed luisteren wij eigenlijk naar onze kinderen? En naar onze huisdieren? [How well do we actually listen to our children? And to our companion animals?] (Opinion piece). De Standaard.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, January 11). Bevallen gebeurt niet per se in een ziekenhuis, en misschien maar goed ook [Giving birth does not necessarily happen in a hospital, and perhaps just as well] (Opinion piece). De Standaard.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, January 10). Wie heeft baat bij de cultuur van ‘overtesting’ in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg? [Who benefits from the culture of ‘overtesting’ in mental health care?] (Opinion piece). De Standaard.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, January 9). Een dierenwinkel heeft er geen baat bij om kopers kritisch te screenen. Stante pede een hond halen? Geen probleem [A companion animal shop does not benefit from critically screening buyers. Get a dog at a moment’s notice? No problem] (Opinion piece). De Standaard.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, January 8). Vraag de poetshulpen zelf eens of ze graag een fooi willen [Ask the cleaning staff themselves if they would like a tip] (Opinion piece). De Standaard.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, January 8). The Real Puppy Game (Documentary contribution). Jon Erik West.
- Delanoeije, J. (2024, January 2). De interactie tussen mens en dier: hoe werkt dat? [Human-animal interaction: How does it work?] (Podcast). Radio 2 Podcast Evy Gruyaert ‘Alles Goed?’, VRT MAX.–hoe-werkt-dat-/
- Delanoeije, J. (2023, October 1). Work-life balance in balans? [Work-life balance in balance?] (Podcast). Radio 2 Podcast Evy Gruyaert ‘Alles Goed?’, VRT MAX.
- Delanoeije, J. (2022, June 1). Thuiswerk na de pandemie [Telework after the pandemic] (Interview). Sociare, 6, 26–28.
- Delanoeije, J., & Verbruggen, M. (2022, June 3). Hybride werken, op maat en wel nú [Hybrid working, tailor-made and now] (Column). Tijdschrift voor HRM.
- Delanoeije, J. (2022, February 22). Une taxe sur les chiens ? Un emmerdement pour l’humain, le chien et la société [A dog tax? Undesirable for people, dog and society] (Opinion piece). DaarDaar.
- Delanoeije, J. (2022, February 22). Een blaftaks? Strontvervelend voor mens, hond en samenleving [A dog tax? Undesirable for people, dog and society] (Opinion piece). De Standaard.
- Janssens M., Pulignano, V., Luyckx, J., Delanoeije, J., Frans, D., Billiet, A., & van Eck, D. (2021, November 2). ‘De Grote Shift’: Haal alles door elkaar, want alles hangt samen [‘The Big Climate Shift’] (Opinion piece). De Standaard, 26–27.
- Delanoeije, J. (2021, September 22). Mensen en (hun) dieren [People and (their) animals] (Interview) Kerk & Leven.
- Delanoeije, J. (2021, September 16). Hergebruik in Vlaanderen [Reuse in Flanders] (Interview). Reset Vlaanderen.
- Bachus, K. & Delanoeije, J. (2021, February 25). Hergebruik – de onderbelichte circulaire economiestrategie [Reuse – The understudied circular economy strategy] (Newsletter item), Nieuwsbrief Milieu & Economie.
- Delanoeije, J. (2020, May 26). Waarom zijn honden zo fascinerend? [Why are dogs so fascinating?] (Podcast). “Recht voor de rAAP” podcast, Animal Assisted Projects.
- Delanoeije, J. (2019, November 1). Het is niet erg als werk en privé met elkaar overlappen (Interview) [It’s no problem if work and private life overlap]. HR Square, 194, 36–38.
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- Delanoeije, J. (2019, June 20). New ways of working: An aid for employees? Understanding inconsistencies in the relationship between work–home practices and employees’ home and work outcomes (Doctoral dissertation). Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven, Belgium, & Faculty of Business Economics, Hasselt University, Belgium.
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- Delanoeije, J., & Bachus, K. (2020, October 8). Reuse: The understudied circular economy strategy. HIVA-KU Leuven.
- Huyse, H., Bachus, K., Merlevede, T., Delanoeije, J., & Knipprath, H. (2019, December 19). Societal impact of the citizen science project “CurieuzeNeuzen Vlaanderen”. HIVA-KU Leuven.
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- Delanoeije, J. (2021, August 26). Telewerk in het nieuwe werken: Vertrek vanuit vertrouwen [Telework in practice: Start from trust] (Presentation summary). Belgian Union of Flemish Enterprises (VBO FEB).–personeel/arbeidsorganisatie/telewerkconferentie-vertrek-vanuit-vertrouwen-joni-delanoeije
- Delanoeije, J. (2021, June 25). “My work feels like home”: A post-dog study (Blogpost). FWO Researcher Stories / Kennismakers.
- Delanoeije, J. (2021, June 25). “Mijn werk voelt als thuis”: een (h)onderzoek [“My work feels like home”: A post-dog study] (Blogpost). FWO Onderzoekers vertellen / Kennismakers.
- Delanoeije, J. (2020, June 2). Scheidingsgerelateerde problemen bij honden [Separation-related problems in dogs] (Unpublished practitioner’s thesis). Professional qualification: Dog behavior expert, Gedragscentrum voor honden, Limburg, Belgium.
- Delanoeije, J. (2020, May 12). In lockdown with our dogs. Nice! What next? Preventing separation-related behavior problems in dogs (Blogpost). MyDogtor Blog.
- Delanoeije, J. (2020, April 21). Thuiswerk: Eindelijk productief! Of niet [Home-based telework: Finally productive! Or not] (Internet publication). HIVA researchers on COVID-19 – HIVA news.
- Delanoeije, J. (2013; May 20). Het is maar een hond. Of niet? De betrekking van huisdieren in systeemtherapie: een exploratief onderzoek [It’s just a dog. Or not? The inclusion of dogs in systems therapy: An exploratory study] (Master’s thesis). Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
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- Radio 1 (2024, December 26). Organiseer de nieuwjaarsdrink niet teveel buiten de werkuren [Don’t organize New Year’s drinks too much outside working hours].
- Radio 1 (2024, December 26). Trap niet in de valkuil van een hyperpositieve mindset, druk gewoon je waardering uit [Don’t fall into the trap of a hyper-positive mindset, just express your appreciation].
- Evy Gruyaert (2024, November 9). Waarom luisteren gelukkig maakt en ook de wereld kan redden [Why listening makes happy and can also save the world].
- WRAP AP Hogeschool Antwerpen (2024, October 25). Honden met superkrachten: ziektes opsporen door te snuffelen [Dogs with superpowers: Detecting diseases by sniffing].
- VRT NWS (2024, September 17). Nu Amazon telewerk terugschroeft: waarom ook bij ons bedrijven met thuiswerk blijven worstelen [As Amazon scales back telecommuting: why home-based businesses continue to struggle with it in our country, too].
- Radio 2 (2024, July 14). Op vakantie – Wat met je huisdier? [On vacation – What with your companion animal?].
- De Morgen (2024, June 21). Zij nemen regelmatig hun hond mee naar het werk: ‘Klanten vragen expliciet of ze aanwezig zal zijn’ [They regularly take their dog to work: ‘Clients explicitly ask if she will attend’].
- ZigZagHR (2024, June 19). Minder stress met een hond op de werkvloer? [Less stress with a dog in the workplace?].
- Libelle (2024, March 7). Een kantoorhond, iets voor jullie kantoor? [An office dog, something for your office?]. Libelle, week 7 March 2024, p. 51.
- Woef Magazine (2024, February 1). Internationaal puppytransport kan gedragsproblemen veroorzaken [International transport of puppies can cause behavioural problems].
- Radio 2 (2024, January 5). Evy Gruyaert over haar katten: “Ze leren me ademen” [Evy Gruyaert about her cats: “They teach me how to breathe”].
- Belga News Agency (2023, December 31). Transport of puppies across European borders leaves lasting emotional scars.
- Apache (2023, December 7). Illegale puppyhandel vergroot risico op terugkeer hondsdolheid [Illegal puppy trade increases risk of rabies return].
- VRT De Wereld Vandaag (2023, November 8). Zijn co-workingplekken op hun retour? [Are co-working spaces on their decline?].
- Kyocerta (2023, October 4). Een kantoorhond op werelddierendag. [An office dog on world animal day].
- Het Nieuwsblad (2023, August 6). Een op de vijf Belgische werknemers ervaart conflict tussen werk en gezin [One in five Belgian workers experience conflict between work and family].
- Het Belang Van Limburg (2023, August 6). Hoe vind je een balans tussen een kind en een veeleisende job? [How do you find a balance between a child and a demanding job?].
- Flair (2023, June 23). La présence d’un chien au bureau rend plus heureux: “Il me rend plus zen” [A dog in the office makes you happier: “It makes me feel more zen”].
- DayFR Euro (2023, June 23). More and more “dog friendly” companies in Belgium: This increases well-being at work.
- ZigZagHR (2023, June 23). De hond maakt ons gelukkig. Ook op het werk! [Dogs make us happy. Also at work!].
- HR Square (2023, June 22). Kantoorhond steeds vaker welkom [Office dogs increasingly welcomed].
- INFUUS (2023, March 1). Dossier dieren in de zorg: De ene hond is de andere niet [File Animals in Healthcare: One dog is not the other].
- AAP vzw (2023, January 20). Laat je puppy eerst hond worden [Let your puppy become a dog first].
- CNN News (2022, November 3). Interview with prof. dr. Patricia Pendry about campus-cat research study led by dr. Joni Delanoeije.
- One Green Planet (2022, November 3). Are cats or dogs better support animals? This new study has an answer!
- FOX News Channel: Outnumbered (2022, November 1). Study: Cats on campus help the “highly emotional”.
- FOX News (2022, October 31). Cats at college? ‘Highly emotional’ students may benefit from felines on campus: study.
- MedicineNet (2022, October 28). Stress‐relief programs often rely on dogs. What about cats?
- (2022, October 28). Cats as good as dogs at helping beat stress.
- U.S. News (2022, October 27). Stress-relief programs often rely on dogs. What about cats?
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch (2022, October 27). Stress-relief programs often rely on dogs. What about cats?
- Daily Record (2022, October 26). Cats could be as effective as dogs in helping with stress relief, study finds.
- Times of India (2022, October 26). People with highly reactive emotions are drawn to cats for stress relief programs.
- SCRIBD (2022, October 25). Personality shapes interest in stress relief events with cats.
- Neuroscience News (2022, October 25). Highly emotional people drawn to cats for stress relief.
- ZEE5 (2022, October 25). People with highly reactive emotions are drawn to cats for stress relief programs.
- LatestLY – Science News (2022, October 25). People with highly reactive emotions are drawn to cats for stress relief programs.
- Science Daily (2022, October 25) – Highly emotional people drawn to cats for stress relief programs.
- Asian News International (ANI) (2022, October 25). People with highly reactive emotions are drawn to cats for stress relief programs.
- WSU Insider (2022, October 25). Highly emotional people drawn to cats for stress relief programs.
- Groentennieuws (2022, September 27). Weer naar kantoor bij een energiecrisis of heeft men recht op een hogere thuiswerkvergoeding? [Back to the office during an energy crisis, or is one entitles to a home work allowance?].
- VRT NWS (2022, September 20). Telewerken tijdens een energiecrisis [Telework during an energy crisis].
- Woef Magazine (2022, September 1). Kantoorhonden: hond introduceren op de werkvloer is maatwerk [Office dogs: Introducing dogs to the workplace is a custom job].
- Leef – CM Magazine (2021, August 1). Kwispelend naar het werk dankzij de kantoorhond [Wagging to work thanks to the office dog].
- De Standaard (2022, June 25). Kantoorhond goed voor werkomgeving [Office dog beneficial for working environment].
- VRT NWS (2022, June 24). KU Leuven en vzw AAP stellen project “kantoorhond” voor: Hond op werkvloer kan een meerwaarde zijn [KU Leuven and AAP asbl announce the “Office Dog” project: A dog in the workplace can add value].
- ROB TV (2022, June 24). KU Leuven lanceert nieuw project met kantoorhonden [KU Leuven launches new project with office dogs].
- Radio 2 (2022, June 24). Honden op het werk: KU Leuven en vzw AAP begeleiden de aanwezigheid van ‘kantoorhonden’ [Dogs at work: KU Leuven and vzw AAP guide the presence of ‘office dogs’].
- NRJ Radio (2022, June 24). Lancering ‘Kantoorhonden’: KU Leuven en AAP vzw begeleiden bedrijven [Launching ‘Office dogs’: KU Leuven and AAP vzw assist companies].
- Gazet van Antwerpen (2022, June 24). KU Leuven en AAP onderzoeken impact van honden op kantoor [KU Leuven and AAP investigate impact of dogs in office].
- HLN (2022, June 24). Beestenbende op kantoor tijdens Take Your Dog to Work Day [Critters in the office during Take Your Dog to Work Day].
- Het Nieuwsblad (2022, June 24). Onderzoek van unief wijst uit: Wie beter wil werken, haalt best een hond naar het kantoor [Academic study shows: Those who want to work better should bring a dog to the office].
- VRT NWS (2022, April 21). Een lieve labrador of een agressieve pitbull? Hondenras zegt veel minder over het karakter dan we denken [A sweet labrador or an aggressive pitbull? Dog breed says much less about the character than we think].
- Radio 1 (2022, April 21). Hondengedrag wordt niet bepaald door het hondenras, maar wel door omgevingskenmerken en individuele persoonlijkheid van de hond, waarbij de fokker een belangrijke rol speelt [Dog behaviour is not determined by the dog breed, but rather by environmental characteristics and individual personality of the dog, with the breeder playing an important role].
- Irish Times (2022, February 11). Pedigree chums? Dogs in the office prove divisive.
- Radio 1 (2022, February 10). Bedrijven die flexibel telewerk blijven aanbieden zullen gemakkelijker personeel vinden [Companies that continue to offer flexible telework will more easily attract employees].
- Financial Times (2022, February 8). Pedigree chums? Dogs in the office prove divisive.
- Radio 1 (2022, January 4). Recht op digitale deconnectie: wat houdt dit in en wat weten we erover? [Right to digital disconnection: What does it mean and what do we know about it?].
- De Standaard (2021, October 30). Hybride werken: het kan beter [Hybrid working: It can be done better].
- VRT NWS (2021, October 4). Antwerpse “campuskat” heeft studenten gemist tijdens corona [Antwerp “campus cat” missed students during corona].
- BeSWIC Belgisch kenniscentrum over welzijn op het werk (2021, October 7). Conclusies VBO-conferentie over telewerk [Conclusions VBO conference on telework].
- Goed Gevoel (2021, October 1). Vraag & Antwoord Rubriek: Mijn dochter van 7 wil graag een hond. Ze heeft ADHD, zijn er rassen die hier beter mee om kunnen? [Q&A Section: My 7 year old daughter wants a dog. She has ADHD, are there breeds that can handle this better?].
- Het Belang Van Limburg (2021, June 10). Hond en kat opnieuw alleen thuis nu baasje weer gaat werken [Dog and cat home alone again as owner goes back to work].
- Wolters Kluwer (2021, February 9). Het effect van telewerk op prestaties en werknemerswelzijn [The impact of telework on employee performance and wellbeing].
- Knack-Trends (2021, August 24). Terug naar kantoor: ‘Vertrouwen en dialoog zijn cruciaal voor nieuwe vormen van werkorganisatie’ [Back to the office: ‘Trust and dialogue are crucial for new forms of organisation’].
- ECONnect (2021, July 1). Naar een duurzaam telewerkbeleid: Factoren voor succesvol thuiswerk [Towards sustainable telework policies: Factors for succesful teleworking].
- De Punt (2021, June 21). Het Nieuwe Kantoor wordt een ontmoetingsplek [The New Office will be a meeting place].
- Peace for Talent (2021, June). Werkgeluk – Het nieuwe normaal [Work happiness – The new normal].
- Het Nieuwsblad (2021, June 10). Terug naar het werk gaan? Stress, en dan vooral voor je huisdieren [Getting back to work? Stress, and mainly for your companion animals].
- De Morgen (2021, February 3). Zijn de huisdieren hun thuiswerkende baasjes beu? [Are companion animals tired of their telecommuting owners?].
- Radio 1 (2021, January 28). Waarom vinden we het zo moeilijk om te blijven telewerken? [Why do we find it so hard to keep telecommuting?].
- Woef Magazine (2021, January 1). DOGS@WORK: Tips van expert Joni [DOGS@WORK: Tips from expert Joni].
- De Morgen (2020, December 16). 1 op 2 werkgevers denkt dat telewerk slecht is voor productiviteit. Ze hebben niet helemaal ongelijk [1 in 2 employers thinks that home-based telework is bad for performance. They are not entirely wrong].
- De Standaard Magazine (2020, October 31). Er zit een dier op het klavier – Mijn collega steekt geen poot uit [There is an animal next to the keyboard – My colleague does not perform well].
- De Standaard (2020, October 8). Tweedehandseconomie veel groter dan gedacht [Second-hand economy bigger than thought].
- Knack (2020, September 30). Telewerk is het nieuwe normaal: hoe de coronacrisis voor een mentale omslag heeft gezorgd [Home-based telework is the new normal: How the corona-crisis has caused a mental switch].
- HR Square Nieuws (2020, June 12). Thuiswerkers meer bevlogen en beter presterend, ook al voor corona [Home-based teleworkers more engaged and higher performing, already before corona].
- HLN Het Laatste Nieuws (2020, June 10). KU Leuven-pilootproject toont gunstige effecten aan van thuiswerk: “Minder stress, meer bevlogen, betere prestaties” [KU Leuven pilot project shows favorable effects of home-based telework: Less stress, more engagement, higher performance].
- KU Leuven News (2020, June 10). Pilootproject toont gunstige effecten van thuiswerk aan [Pilot initiative shows favorable effects of home-based telework].
- HRmagazine (2020, June 12). Thuiswerken wérkt [Home-based teleworking works].
- Partena Professional (2020, March 1). Thuiswerk is goed voor de productiviteit! Toch…? [Home-based telework is good for productivity! Is it…?].
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